Here are some pics from the last week! I'll upload Christmas pics sometime later this week or after the first of the year! :) Merry Christmas to all!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sam's baby brother!
Thanksgiving and other random pics
We went to Chatom, AL to Honey and Papa's for Thanksgiving this year. Uncle Clay, Aunt Pam, cousin Lauren, Great-Granny and Great-Pawpaw Townsend also came. We visited Great-Granny Sasser at the nursing home there, too. The rest of the pics are just random stuff around our house and the last few pics are of our Christmas tree we put up a week ago! Enjoy!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sam is growing!
Sam is 13 months old now! He is practically running. His favorite toy right now is Daddy's old cell phone. He loves making pretend calls on it. His favorite place is still outside, so we have no problems putting on jackets or shoes because he knows where he's going to go once they're on!! We think he's a genius! hahaha He can say doggie, momma, daddy, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, mmmm for milk, cracker, cookie and he can point out all of those things as well. I don't know why we are encouraging him to learn new words, give it a few years and we will be praying for silence!!! He'll also raise his hands if anyone says, "Touchdown!" and he'll dance if he hears music. He is definitely a little show-off because we can't go anywhere without him talking, laughing or making faces at complete strangers. He loves the attention. Here are some pics to show just how much he's grown! :)

1 month old
3 months old
5 months old
8 months old
9 1/2 months old
(I must not have taken a "chair" pic that month!)
13 months old! :) Such a big boy!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Halloween and the Mountains
Unfortunately, I did not take pics at our church's Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat on Halloween night because Joseph, Emily and I were working a booth and then ran to our car to do trunk or treat. I did give in and decorate the car in Georgia colors, just because we have more GA stuff. I also did my best at carving a GA "G" pumpkin, mainly because a Gator is much more complicated to carve! haha Anyways, my usual 1,000 picture event ended up being one picture of the back of Sam because he didn't want to stand still. He was a cowboy that didn't want to stand still or wear his hat, so Pops wore it most of the night! haha Thanks to our friends Mark and Robin and Karen and Emory we have pics of Sam on that night.
The second half of the pics are our trip to Dahlonega and Helen up in the GA mountains. We wanted to get away for the day and see the leaves. Sam got a souvenier "flute" which he serenaded us with. We also met up with Aunt Pam, Uncle Clay and Great-Granny and Great-Pawpaw Townsend. Sam really enjoyed the swings and slide and of course Pawpaw's rolling walker/chair!
The second half of the pics are our trip to Dahlonega and Helen up in the GA mountains. We wanted to get away for the day and see the leaves. Sam got a souvenier "flute" which he serenaded us with. We also met up with Aunt Pam, Uncle Clay and Great-Granny and Great-Pawpaw Townsend. Sam really enjoyed the swings and slide and of course Pawpaw's rolling walker/chair!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sam - 1 year old!
These are some pics from the last few weeks. Sam had another ear infection and he was sad that he couldn't go outside because it was too cold. One afternoon, Mommy gave in and bundled him up to go outside. It was the first time he wore mittens and a hat so he was very interested in those. The first set of pics is a very happy boy getting to play outside. There's also pics of him playing with his birthday balloons, a big hit! Also pics of him playing with Daddy, Mommy and Logan. Also the day of the FL/GA game...always interesting in our household with Daddy being a Bulldog fan and Mommy a Gators fan! haha And last our visit to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin for our church's fall festival and trunk-or-treat. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sam's Birthday Party
Sat. Oct. 18th we had Sam's birthday party. We had an Elmo theme and lots of friends and family came. My parents and sister came up from AL and my uncle, aunt, cousin, and Sam's great-grandparents came from Toccoa, GA. Sam's other Great-grandmother's came as well as lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. He seemed to enjoy the party, except for the part where he burnt his hand on the candle wax:( He opened all his presents and we all had a great time!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sam's Birthday
On Sam's actual birthday we put a candle in a Chick-fil-A biscuit and let him blow it out, then he got to open one present, an Elmo phone. Meme and Pops came by that afternoon and brought a balloon and a present, a little pull-along puppy. He liked the balloon so much we let him take it to Wed. night church that night. He also got a birthday card in the mail from Aunt Elaine. When Honey and Papa and Aunt Jen showed up the next day they brought his car that they had painted for him. These are some pics from those two days.
Monday, October 6, 2008
September 2008
We went camping near Savannah,GA with our friends in September. Also I threw in some other random photos from the past month. Check back in a couple of weeks for Sam's birthday photos. His party is on the 18th!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sam at 10 months
I have to start by apologizing for taking a MONTH to post something new. I guess life caught up with us and I just haven't had the time. It could be those first trimester naps I've been taking when Sam's napping that's kept me from my usual computer time! haha Sam is almost 11 months old and I'm just now posting 10 month pics. Oh well! Here's the update: Sam now says, Dada, doggy, cookie, duck, but unfortunately they all come out sounding the same! haha He took his first three unaided steps at the Phillips Family reunion on July 27th (9 1/2 months) and has been getting much better every day. He LOVES going outside and stands at the door and cries when we come in! He LOVES petting the concrete GA Bulldog on our front porch. I guess he thinks it's our pet, poor baby! We are going camping next week so I'm sure I'll more pics to post then. I totally forgot to take a 10 month pic of him in the rocking chair, so I'll just have to catch up for his 11 month one! Until then enjoy the two montages I posted earlier today! :)
August and Sept. 2008
Here are pics of Sam getting his first hair cut and also of him walking!!! Also, I added the few pics that we took during our visit to Ft. Walton Beach, FL over Labor Day. It was such a fun and busy weekend that I didn't take but a few pics. Fortunately, Hurricane Gustav didn't come in until Monday when we were leaving. I got a few pics of the water level rising. It didn't come up to the house, thankfully!
Sam 10-11 months
We visited my grandparents in north GA last month so I have some pics of that. I also added just some random pics from the past month!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sam's new shirt!
In case you didn't get an email from me or Carol and Larry here is a pic of Sam's new shirt!! :) He'll get to wear it hopefully around mid April 2009!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sam- 9 1/2 to 10 months old
Here are some random pics from this past month. Some are of Sam with family like Meme, Pops, Aunt Hazel, and at the Phillips family reunion. The first photo is Joseph and Sam with Joseph's cousin and his son Sam! Some of the other pics are of Sam and Logan at our house and with Caroline at church. Enjoy!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Emily in Georgia
Here are some pics from my sister Emily's loft in Hampton, GA and also her Kindergarten classroom at East Clayton Elementary in Ellenwood, GA. She moved up here near me in July and just started her first day as a Kindergarten teacher last week. Enjoy!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Aunt Elaine's Birthday
We went to a surprise birthday party for Joseph's aunt at Maggiano's Little Italy restaurant in Atlanta. It was fun and Sam enjoyed seeing the family again. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Sam with Aunt Elaine!! Oops! Hopefully someone else took a picture and will send it to me! hint hint haha The first pictures are Sam and Uncle Ted, then with Aunt Angie, Pops, Mommy, Meme, Cousin Lanie, Cousin Clay and Daddy.
Sam and his friends
Last week we went to see Carson and Caleb (the sons of two of my teacher friends). Carson is about 9 hours older than Sam! We played at Carson's house and went swimming in his pool. The last few pics are of Logan and Sam. Logan is staying with us during the school year while his mommy teaches.
Nine Months Old!!
Sam is now 9 month old! He can crawl very well and is trying to walk. He can pull up on things to stand and LOVES for people to hold his hands so he can walk around. It tires Mommy out so that's what grandparents and aunts are for!!! haha He is eating a lot of table food now. He likes Cheerios, cereal puffs, and anything else he can get in his mouth! The doctor says he is a little small for his age but we're thinking he'll catch up in the next few months. We had a bad bout of virus/teething/fever earlier this week but we are back to all smiles now!
One month old

Six months old

Nine months old!
Camping in Hiawassee, GA
Joseph, Sam and I went camping with our friends Mandy, Brian and their son Bradley along with their Sunday School class and their families. Sam and Bradley were the only boys but they loved it. Sam was the youngest so he had lots of baby-sitters and I loved it!! :) It rained off and on a couple of days but it wasn't bad. Sam enjoyed the dirt and the streams most of all. There are several pics of him on a tarp(because the ground was wet and we were running out of changes of clothes!!) playing with sticks, rocks and know, boy stuff!! The campground was really nice. The kids brought their bikes. Even the "big kids" (the Dads) brought their's too! There are a couple of pics of Bradley learning to ride. There was also a putt-putt course and a pool. We had a great time and look forward to next year!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Fourth of July
Wow, it's been a while since I put pics on the blog. Here is Joseph, Sam and I watching fireworks with Joseph's parents, Meme and Pops! Sam is in his pajamas because it was so late. He liked sitting around waiting for the fireworks but cried and fussed once they started because he was sooo tired!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Our trip to Alabama and Florida
Sam and I went to visit my mom while Joseph was at camp/mission trip with our youth group and my Dad, Emily and Jenny were at camp with their youth group. We stayed in Chatom (AL) for a few days and also visited my Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and my cousin Lauren in Ft. Walton Beach, FL for a few days that week. Sam got to go swimming for the very first time at the same place I went swimming for the first time (I was 6 weeks old!) at my Grandparents cottage on Garnier's Bayou. Sam and I actually rode Amtrak (train) from Atlanta,GA to Meridian,MS and then back. It was cheaper than buying gas and driving!!! Sam really enjoyed the train ride. He was very social and made lots of friends. People came by our seat just to say "Bye" to Sam when we were getting close to Meridian on the way down. On the way back he played with a couple and another family with kids while I ate lunch! haha He's such a charmer! Anyways, this is a compilation of some pictures that I took that week! :)
Happy Father's Day!
Unfortunately, Joseph missed his first Father's Day with us. He was on a mission trip with our church youth group that week. This is a picture montage I put together for him. I know he hasn't been a Dad that long (only 8 months) but he has been the best Dad Sam could ask for! :) We love you! :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Stone Mountain Park Camping Trip 6-6-08
We went camping at Stone Mountain Park this past weekend. We were supposed to go with another couple but their little boy broke his arm :( so we're going to wait and go with them later this summer hopefully. Anyways, we didn't camp but two days because it was really hot! I didn't take any pictures of the train ride, the Duck ride, or the mountain because I left the camera at the campsite! Oops! These are pics of the Antebellum Plantation and farmyard that I did remember to take the camera to. We'll have more pics to show when we go back later this year. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Misc. pics from May 2008
Some of these pics are new but a few of them are already on the blog. This is the slideshow that I made for Joseph's MySpace page and I thought I would share it here also. If you click the speaker at the bottom of the slideshow it will play music!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Growing up
Sam is getting bigger everyday! He is desperately trying to crawl. Once he does it will be a non-stop chase around the house for me! He really enjoys other people, especially kids. Joseph and I joke that he would have made a better second child because he is content watching other kids play but gets bored and cranky at home with just me! He is finally growing more hair and his newest trick is to wave bye-bye!

One month old!
Three months old!!
Six months old

Eight months old
(On Father's Day!)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
May 2008
The following posts are pics from our family camping trip to St. George Island in Florida. Sam got to see the gulf for the first time. He didnt' really like the waves but he enjoyed splashing in a tide pool. He was really good on our camping trip. We weren't sure how he would do being away from home for 7 days but he was a trooper!! Mom, Dad, Em and Jen went with us and we all had a great time. We also visited the Gulf Marine Specimen Lab, which is kind of a backwoods aquarium so to speak. The first room consists of a bunch of "Touch tanks" in which you can handle all the "creatures" in them. Then they have a bunch of open waist-high tanks that say "no touching" because they have sea turtles, fish, sharks, sting rays, crabs, lobsters, etc. I wouldn't recommend going if you have a kid who doesn't listen when you say "don't touch"! haha Anyways, we had a blast and are ready to go camping again!!! Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
These are some other pics from our camping trip that didn't make it into any of the other slide shows! :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
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