Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eli (Monthly Pics)

Eli is four and 1/2 months old! Who told him he could grow this fast? It sure wasn't me! He's doing a great job at sitting up in his bouncer and bumbo seat. He loves to lay on his tummy and pull his legs up under him so it won't be long until he's crawling! His favorite activites are playing in his walker and bouncer, but most of all watching Sam run around. We are convinced his first words will be "No, Sam!" haha He is so easy going that we take him everywhere. He is just one content and smiley little baby, especially when he can pull his legs up to suck on his toes!!! Here are some pics to show how much he's grown! :) Enjoy!

One Day old!

One Month old!

Two Months old!

Three Months Old
(we were in FL so I couldn't take a regular "chair" pic)
Four Months Old

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sam - housewife in training

We think Sam is sweet and smart, so I thought I'd share a story about what he did this morning. While I was feeding Eli, he went and found his Curious George doll and proceeded to "take care" of it. He first put it in Eli's bumbo seat and handed it a toy and told it to play. Then he picked George up looked at his "bomum" (bottom) and said "diaper change". Then my sweet little almost 2 yr. old laid the monkey on the floor lifted up it's legs and pretended to change it's diaper. At this point I'm envisioning the future where Sam babysits Eli and I just lay on the couch eating chocolate! haha Sam quickly destroys my dreams by bodyslamming George as he's laying there on the floor!!! Oh well! At least he tried! Fortunately George survived and was later told to sit in Daddy's chair while Sam counted his toes. Unfortunately, although Sam can count to ten with help, when trying to count by himself it comes out something like "one, two, one, two, one!" He sure is entertaining to have around! Plus, he already likes to help unload the dishwasher and cook so my "couch" dreams may one day come true! But I'm not getting my hopes up! :)

Here's a pic of him feeding his baby brother (He was extremely upset that Eli was in "his" highchair until I told him that he could help feed him!)

Here are some pics of my little chef

(of course you have to "taste test")

Friday, August 14, 2009

Look alikes

Everyone is always saying how either Sam and Eli look so much alike or how they look so different. They definitely look related but have different features as well. I decided to play with my Picasa some and do some comparisons. You can decide whether they look alike or different!!
I also included Eli's baby announcement that I made with Picasa.