Friday, May 23, 2008

Growing up

Sam is getting bigger everyday! He is desperately trying to crawl. Once he does it will be a non-stop chase around the house for me! He really enjoys other people, especially kids. Joseph and I joke that he would have made a better second child because he is content watching other kids play but gets bored and cranky at home with just me! He is finally growing more hair and his newest trick is to wave bye-bye!

One month old!

Three months old!!

Six months old

Eight months old
(On Father's Day!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 2008

The following posts are pics from our family camping trip to St. George Island in Florida. Sam got to see the gulf for the first time. He didnt' really like the waves but he enjoyed splashing in a tide pool. He was really good on our camping trip. We weren't sure how he would do being away from home for 7 days but he was a trooper!! Mom, Dad, Em and Jen went with us and we all had a great time. We also visited the Gulf Marine Specimen Lab, which is kind of a backwoods aquarium so to speak. The first room consists of a bunch of "Touch tanks" in which you can handle all the "creatures" in them. Then they have a bunch of open waist-high tanks that say "no touching" because they have sea turtles, fish, sharks, sting rays, crabs, lobsters, etc. I wouldn't recommend going if you have a kid who doesn't listen when you say "don't touch"! haha Anyways, we had a blast and are ready to go camping again!!! Enjoy!

Visiting the Gulf Marine Specimen Lab in Panacea, FL

Sam's first time at the beach!!