Sam is 13 months old now! He is practically running. His favorite toy right now is Daddy's old cell phone. He loves making pretend calls on it. His favorite place is still outside, so we have no problems putting on jackets or shoes because he knows where he's going to go once they're on!! We think he's a genius! hahaha He can say doggie, momma, daddy, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, mmmm for milk, cracker, cookie and he can point out all of those things as well. I don't know why we are encouraging him to learn new words, give it a few years and we will be praying for silence!!! He'll also raise his hands if anyone says, "Touchdown!" and he'll dance if he hears music. He is definitely a little show-off because we can't go anywhere without him talking, laughing or making faces at complete strangers. He loves the attention. Here are some pics to show just how much he's grown! :)

1 month old
3 months old
5 months old
8 months old
9 1/2 months old
(I must not have taken a "chair" pic that month!)
13 months old! :) Such a big boy!