I guess I thought it wouldn't be that difficult to take a simple Christmas card picture. And I'm sure it wouldn't have been had we paid a professional (no offense, Emily), but with funds tight this year we couldn't rationalize spending money on pictures over groceries and gas! SOOO, I thought you would find it funny to see a few of the MANY tries that it took to get a decent family picture of us. I will definitely keep all of the "mistakes" pictures because years from now it will be fun to look back and remember the year we gave Sam well over 20 M&M's just to get a picture where everyone was looking at the camera and smiling. Enjoy!

This one was one of the last ones we took. You can see how everyone felt just by looking at Sam's expression! Priceless!

Sam was counting to three with Aunt Emily (the photographer)

Eli thought Sam was much more interesting!

Ok, this one was pretty good!
Merry Christmas!