Last week, Joseph pressure washed the camper and with it looking so purty we decided to take it out for the first camping trip of 2010. We only went once last year (probably due to our couple of trips down to FL and AL) but we definitely plan on going more this year. It's just so cheap (especially at the state parks) and it's not like you spend more on food cause you just take what you have at home with you!
Well, little did we know that by the end of the first day we were going to be ready to pack it all up and come home. Little bugger Eli drove us INSANE! See, last year we took him camping when he was 3 months old (our friends took their 1 mo. old on the same trip) and we joked that we were crazy for taking babies camping. I stand corrected, because taking a walking 13 mo. old is so much crazier! He just wandered around so someone had to constantly follow him. And of course keeping him inside the camper was not going to happen because as soon as Daddy and Big Bro Sam went outside he would pitch a fit!
We made it through because we just came to the conclusion that camping, for now, is no longer relaxing! Haha It was fun watching them explore, make friends, play with sticks, flowers, bugs, and eat dirt! Sam was GREAT! He’s pretty much potty trained so that made it a little easier. Plus he will listen to directions like “get out of the road” and “don’t put that in your mouth” and Eli doesn’t have a clue yet! The only downfall of the trip was that we couldn’t even start a fire until after Eli was in bed because he had no concept whatsoever that it would hurt him!
But we are making memories and we can’t wait until our next trip! Enjoy some of the pics. (I tried to find some that I haven’t already posted on Facebook!)

At the waterfalls (we stayed at High Falls State park)

Eli loved the flowers!

Sam and Daddy just chillin! :)

Cutie pie

Not sure why the hands are on the head, but he's a cutie, too! :)