Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Snow Day!

On the first day of March this year we had a little bit of a phenomenon around here...SNOW!!! It probably snowed the most I've ever seen since living in Georgia. It reminded Joseph and I a little bit of our honeymoon in Lake Tahoe when it snowed there! Sam liked it, but needed a nap first so the pics I have of him are of a very tired and ornery little guy! He got to go out later that day and play (but I didn't get any pics then!) It was fun because my mom, sister Jenny, and her boyfriend Seth were up visiting for Jenny's spring break! So we all got to play in the snow together! We made a sad looking muddy snowman, using grapes for teeth. He even survived until later that week when he finally melted! Oddly enough, we are being reminded this week that we live in the South because it's just now a week later and as I type I've got the air conditioning going and I've got shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops on! haha Oh well, maybe I can make my cousins Amy and Mindy's kids a little jealous with our snow since I've been a little jealous looking at their blogs for the past two months wishing the weather was as nice up here in GA as it is down there in FL! :)

P.S. I know I put "Sweet Home Alabama" as the background music for the pictures even though we live in Georgia but I just couldn't help it! It did snow in Auburn, AL where Jenny and Seth's friends were!


Mindy Bobe said...

You're right...I am jealous! Btw, I live in Alabama now, not Florida. We live in is on the other side of Mobile. Anyway, love the pictures and the snowman was adorable!

Carrie Phillips said...

Sorry, I knew yall lived in Daphne! Glad you liked the pics!