Monday, March 25, 2013

Make A WishTrip Day 1 continued

  • Ahhh! I can't seem to keep up with these posts!  It is the end of a very long Day 2. We had a blast at Disneyland (it's like the Magic Kingdom).  I was afraid that Eli might freak out or be super shy, but he shocked us...I mean SHOCKED us and was more outgoing and less fearful than big brother Sam!!!  He was leading the way and telling us which rides to go on next.  It was lots of fun and as Eli likes to say, "It was crazy wicked!"  However, due to my extreme tiredness I am only going to include pics that I uploaded this morning before breakfast that chronicle some of the rest of our first day here.  Hopefully sometime tomorrow I can write a little more about our fabulous Day 2!!
Eli in our rental van right before he fell asleep!  I felt so bad because I had to wake him up just so he could see us pulling into the hotel!

Joseph navigating Los Angeles

Coming into Disney!!

Our fabulous room

The view over California Adventure Park from our room window.  In the water area is the nightly "World of Color" show that is super cool to watch even from a distance!
We had supper at The Rainforest Cafe our first night. 
Aquarium in the lobby of The Rainforest Cafe

Sam reacting to the "Volcano" dessert we ordered
Eli posing with the Hulk in the Lego Store...not sure if Sam was just distracted or scared but he said he definitely did not want a pic with the Hulk! haha

Eli showing off his creation at the fun tables outside the Lego Store....(I have some more pics to come from our time there...also, Sam made us promise that we would return to the store sometime this week! haha)
My apologies for not having more pics but I actually did not get the week off of work so I have papers to grade!  I can sleep some other time, right? ;)

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